Street Art
A New Master: Street art by Ted Pim
Irish artist Ted Pim isn’t afraid to wander into the fearful unknown as he uses the walls of abandoned...
Taxi Fabric turns Drab Cabs into Colorful Creations
Sick of the dreary colors of your taxi cab seats on the way home from work? With Taxi Fabric,...
The Best Street Art Cities in the UK
Without a doubt, street art fans can find the best talent Europe has to offer in the UK....
Boubou Niang Paints with Everything but a Paint Brush
Senegalese painter Boubou Naing, also known as Boubou Design, challenges the expectations of what painting and art are....
Street Art That Uses Clever Pop Culture Puns By JPS
Artist JPS is a home grown talent who has been gaining a lot of exposure recently and it’s not...
The Old Masters by Ted Pim
Irish artist Ted Pim isn’t afraid to wander into the fearful unknown as he uses the walls of...
Thamesmead Unveils New Canal-side Murals
Artists help to bring colour to Thamesmead’s canals. Four new large-scale murals have been commissioned to transform Thamesmead’s network...
Artist STIK raises over a quarter of a million pounds at Christie’s to create new public sculpture programme in Hackney
An original maquette of ‘Holding Hands’ by artist STIK sold for £287,500 at Christie’s auction last Friday significantly...
Street Artist Jay Kaes Paints Giant Arthur Wharton Anniversary Mural
The world’s first black professional footballer and first fastest man on the planet Arthur Wharton has been honoured...
STIK to fund new wave of outdoor artworks by diverse artists
Hackney is about to make way for a new wave of diverse artists who will be funded by...
London’s Inaugural Mural Festival
Anyone who has been to Shoreditch knows that a key feature of the district is its street art....
Realistic frescoes created by Patrick Commecy
Buildings around France are getting a much needed paint job from street artist Patrick Commecy. He takes the...